Ubytování - Accommodation - Unterkunft - Apartmán(y) - Apartments - Appartements

Accommodations - Karlov pod Pradědem - Jeseníky


Winter activities - Residence Karlov

The closest ski lift is located 50m from the "Residence Karlov" complex. It connects to the other ski lifts in the area with trails of varying levels of dificulty. Another alternative for skiing is "Moravian Glacier" - "Praded" (1492m), the transportation is provided by ski bus. The bus top is located 300m from the complex. For the lovers of cross country skiing, this area around Karlov offers an extensive network of machine groomed cross country ski trails including the famous mountain ridge trail "Ovcarna - Cernohorske Sedlo".
Click on the map to enlarge - Apartment Karlov

More information about SKI Centrum Mala Moravka:
Tel: 777 745 370
e-mail: lukes@koprivna.cz

For further information about the current ski conditions click on the following link www.infocesko.cz.
Residence Karlov pod Pradědem
Martina Chrástová
Mobile phone:
(+420) 723 358 703

Interaktivní mapa - klikněte zde

WiFi network is available

 Accommodations - Residence Karlov pod Pradědem, www.karlov-apartmany.cz, mobil: 723 358 703, Martina Chrástová, Chrastova.M@seznam.cz optimalizace PageRank.cz
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