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Accommodations - Karlov pod Pradědem - Jeseníky


Welcome to "Karlov pod Pradedem" Accommodations

Newly reconstructed three floor condominium complex: Residence Karlov is located in the small beautiful village of "Karlov pod Pradědem. " This area is situated in the valley of the Moravice River and is one of the most popular and well known recreational areas in the Jeseniky Mountains. In the winter, there are 13 ski lifts that provide you, with access to down hill ski trails with skill levels varying from novice to expert. Some of the trails have artificial snow and also offer lighting for night skiing. This area is also famous for an extensive network of groomed cross-country ski trails. All down hill and cross-country ski trails are easily accessible from Residence Karlov. Additionally, the nearby ski lodge offers other amenities such as ski school, ski rental and service, a snack bar and plenty of parking.
In the summer, this location offers access to excellent hiking and bike trails. Residence Karlov is the best accommodation for your vacation.
Residence Karlov pod Pradědem
Martina Chrástová
Mobile phone:
(+420) 723 358 703

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WiFi network is available

 Accommodations - Residence Karlov pod Pradědem, www.karlov-apartmany.cz, mobil: 723 358 703, Martina Chrástová, Chrastova.M@seznam.cz optimalizace PageRank.cz
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