Ubytování - Accommodation - Unterkunft - Apartmán(y) - Apartments - Appartements

Accommodations - Karlov pod Pradědem - Jeseníky


Price list - for apartments in Residence Karlov

New Year's Eve:
8.500,- Kč for apartment / week / 4 beds
Winter season:
7.000,- Kč for apartment / week / 4 beds
May - November:
5.200,- Kč for apartment / week / 4 beds
2.000,- Kč for apartment / weekend (2 nights) / 4 beds

This rental is geared toward families with children, skiing trips and tourist excursions. The units are rented in weekly cycles. The check-in time is on Sunday between 14:00-15:00 and check-out is on the following Sunday at 10:00.

Price includes: sheeting and towels.

Rental Conditions - Residence Karlov
Upon reservation, there is a 50% deposit required of the total amount. The reservation will be valid only after the receipt of the required payment. Upon check-in, you will be required to pay the balance of the rental amount. A security deposit of 1000 Kc is also required upon arrival. The security deposit is fully refundable at the end of your stay under the condition that nothing was damaged. Normal wear and tear is permitted.
In the event, the client cancels or does not show up for the reserved rental term, the client will forfeit the full amount of the 50% deposit.
There is an additional charge for electricity usage (tariff rate CEZ) and water usage (tariff rate BVK Bruntal), payable upon check-out. Additionally we are required to charge a local recreation tax in the amount of 15 Kc/per rental day and a local occupancy tax 4 Kc per person per day. This occupancy tax is required only for visitors 18-70 age, which is payable upon check-out.

Residence Karlov pod Pradědem
Martina Chrástová
Mobile phone:
(+420) 723 358 703

Interaktivní mapa - klikněte zde

WiFi network is available

 Accommodations - Residence Karlov pod Pradědem, www.karlov-apartmany.cz, mobil: 723 358 703, Martina Chrástová, Chrastova.M@seznam.cz optimalizace PageRank.cz
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